[TRLog] 6.63a POST bug...

Ronald Rossi kk1l@arrl.net
Tue, 07 May 2002 21:45:12 -0400


Wilf Barby had the unfortunate distinction of having disovered a bug in
post which can erase your LOG.DAT file and leave you with no log. If you
specify a file other than LOG.DAT and generate a cabrillo file, POST
will end up not finding the file you wanted to create your log from and
erase LOG.DAT. I don't what version this started with, but it I know it
exists in at least version 6.63a and beyond. I will be looking into this

If you went through the normal post contest log processing, a backup was
generated for you automatically (PLOG000.BAK, PLOG001.BAK, etc.).
Hopefully this is the case. Please beware.
73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron (kk1l@arrl.net) <><
QTH: Jericho, Vermont
My page: http://www.qsl.net/kk1l