[TRLog] test driving the band map...

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro@k4ro.net
Fri, 10 May 2002 17:27:06 -0500

I added the line:


The computer no longer locks up, but I still
don't see anything going into the bandmap when
using the PACKETFILE command.  Perhaps my command
line syntax is incorrect?  Here is what I am typing:


This is not a big deal to me, because normal (manual) 
bandmap operation seems to work fine on both radios.
Just figured I'd run the new band map through its paces.

I do note that when set to ALL BANDS, the map "range"
display shows " 160CW - 12SSB " even with two 10m CW
spots in the band map.  Again, not a big deal, just
reporting my findings.

On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 05:18:35PM -0400, Ron D. Rossi wrote:
> Kirk,
> Yes you do have to define a packet port. You don't have to have one connected, 
> or even have the port!! You just need to define it in LOGCFG.DAT so the code 
> thinks there is one there.
> "PACKET PORT = SERIAL 2" for example.