[TRLog] A Case of QSY

Bill Parry w5vx@hiline.net
Mon, 27 May 2002 09:13:51 -0500

I was doing a shakedown cruise for my new antennas and station this weekend
and found some stuff that needs fixing. One sorta unusual item was that
while using TR I found that my FT1000MP would QSY a few 100 cycles from time
to time. I would lose stations that I was exchanging reports and sometimes I
would CQ only to find that I had moved from my run freq and was on top of
another station (they of course weren't pleased). After figuring it out, I
disconnected the computer from the radio and the problem went away.

I had some problems with RF getting into the computer and causing the keying
to lock up. I am attributing the problem to the RF. BUT I thought I'd ask if
anyone has run into this before.