[TRLog] opps ! wrong year !

Tom Hammond NØSS n0ss@earthlink.net
Mon, 04 Nov 2002 22:41:04 -0600


>Hi All, have gotten back from play time in the carribeans, and have 
>started to look at my logs, and to my horror, I have the wrong year 
>entered, (must have been all of those Smirnoff's and rum and Cokes !) 
>anybody know of a quick and easy way to change the year from 2001 to 2002 ??

Why shore!

1) COPY your LOG.DAT file to a FLOPPY.

2) LOAD the LOG.DAT file (from the FLOPPY) into just about ANY word 
processor (MS Word, for example). Then do a search 'n replace, changing 
"Nov-01" to "Nov-02" (NO quotes).

Once changed, SAVE the file BACK to the floppy, as follows:

   FILE | SAVE AS | LOG1.DAT | <Enter>

Note that the FILE TYPE should have defaulted to TEXT ONLY when you 
selected FILE | SAVE AS.

That's IT!


Tom Hammod   N0SS