[TRLog] TR Log more RF proof than CT?

Tree tree@loja.kkn.net
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 12:51:37 -0800

>From the N6BV 3830 CW SS posting:

>    Ken and I struggled for hours up until start of contest with a weird
> RFI problem on 15 m. It seems that hitting "ESC" key in CT locked up the 
> keyline with rf and the only way to unlock things was to turn output power 
> down to about 100 W. Ditto with trying to send CW using the external keyer. 
>    Really strange part is that TRLog would work fine under same 
> conditions, but I don't know how to operate TRLog. So, I apologize
> to the many folks who endured a carrier from me until I could turn
> down the power enough to unlock the radio... This didn't help the
> rate too much, but it also isn't a good enough excuse for my low
> score! 
