[TRLog] v6.71B and TS940 a Weird Audio Problem

Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV" <ve7avv@shaw.ca
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 18:52:16 -0800

On behalf of Paul, VA7NT

Using version v6.68, all aspects of the station function flawlessly.
However --- I just upgraded from v6.68 to v6.71B and the following weird
audio problem has developed.

With v6.71B up and running (radio connected to the computer) -- tuning in a
signal (any band, any mode) the audio appears to change abruptly - rather
than smoothly - in 10 Hz increments. Given we only have TS940's at this
location, we can't test the software with any other radio. Any and all
suggestions would be greatly appreciated

73 de Paul, VE7AVV
StoneyGround Station
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