[TRLog] How to use database files

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Wed, 06 Nov 2002 09:20:41 -0500

At 08:31 AM 11/6/02 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm interested to know what's needed to activate data files for
>pre-estimating and filling in standard QSO info (ie. sec. and check in
>SS).  Does the file just have to be in the active directory, or must the
>name of the file be specified within ctrl J or .cfg file to be active?
>When downloading such files off the web for the K1EA site, are the files
>ready to roll, or must they be converted first to be accepted by TR?

I always run a big trmaster.dta file, which resides in the directory with 
log.dat, and is reached, like log, through a DOS PATH statement.  For SS, I 
select only the relevant prefixes with the SCP COUNTRY STRING command in 
Ctl-J.  That must be the name.

I understand, though, that a file of the same name, if located in the 
active directory (in my case c:\log\contests\02\sscw) will take 
precedence.  You also need to set SCP MINIMUM LETTERS to something other 
than the default of 0, which disables it.  To insert check and/or section 
in the exchange field, you need to set INITIAL EXCHANGE to CHECK SECTION.

The files from K1EA or K8CC will work fine, but contain only the 
callsigns.  The TR Log TRMASTER.DTA format is an extension of the original 
format, and will accept much more data.  I save CHECK and SECTION from last 
year's SS log, as well as the names of everyone in PVRC (because my memory 
is so bad).

73, Pete N4ZR
Sometimes a tower is just a tower