Mon, 11 Nov 2002 03:31:23 +0000
K4RO asked:
>Is anybody successfully sending QTCs in WAE RTTY?
I have, sorta.
>Two things happen when I go into Control-Q mode:
>1) I can no longer see any text from the TNC. It's as
>if the serial port stops receiving data from the TNC.
>The serial port seems to send data to the TNC OK, but
>there is apparently no RXD. The only way to regain full
>communication with the TNC is to power cycle the TNC.
>2) It does actually try to send the QTC's properly,
>one at a time, just like on CW. The problem is that
>it pauses and sends "DE K4RO" using RTTY tones, but in CW!
>It is sending DE and the contents of MYCALL. (At first it
>sent "DE PK232" untill i changed MYCALL to K4RO.) I don't
>really mind the CW ID, but since there is no RX from the
>TNC, you can't tell if the station ACKs a QTC, or who is
>calling next. So, I've been sending "SRI NO QTC" all weekend.
>Sounds like VE3IAY doesn't have it working either, since
>I just asked Rich during our WAE QSO two minutes ago... :-)
>I realzie this RTTY stuff is low priority, but just wanted
>to know if anybody did have QTCs working in WAE RTTY. If I
>can gedt them working, I'll have a lot of QTC to hand out.
For some reason, TR adds a ^F to the end of the text it sends the
TNC when sending QTCs.
Set PK-232 parameter CWID to $00 to stop it from sending CW IDs
when TR does this.
QTCs in CW are sent line by line, but in RTTY they seem to be
sent in one go. When in QTC mode, just hit <enter> to send the
next line when the last one ends.
Since terminal window is lost during QTC mode, unless you can copy
Baudot in your head, ignore anything the receiving station might say
about QRV, repeats, etc.
Whilst sending the QTC line by line, copy by hand QTC info on piece
of paper so that you can manually type in fills for the poor bloke on
the other end once you get out of QTC mode.
Needless to say, VR2BG sent a total of eight QTCs this weekend &
was lucky to find the station who had to suffer through my first
never-tried-this-before attempt to send it all to him again later.
Basically, sending QTCs in WAE RTTY isn't a good idea, IMHO.
Note to KK1L: If you do anything about RTTY, please, please, please
enable TAIL END MESSAGE. Sometimes I have two or three calls
on screen after a CQ & instead of saying "NW call#2" I can only send
QRZ after finishing with call#1 - not good for rate or when faced with
a EU pile-up.
>Also, how does one copy QTC's in TR-Log? I think anybody
>can receive them in the RTTY event.
Anybody know how to trick TR into not differentiating between I-am-EU &
I-am-not-EU as seen in FCONTEST.PAS? It may be that TR will get its
knickers in a twist as in "normal" WAEs you are one or the other &
therefore only send or receive QTCs - not both.
My workaround: pencil & paper. Remember to hit the PK-232's RADIO
switch or crank THRESHOLD knob full anti-clockwise after sender has
finished sending QTC so that it doesn't scroll off screen whilst you are
frantically scribbling it down!
73, VR2BrettGraham