[TRLog] PTT config

Mark Beckwith mark@concertart.com
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 12:14:12 -0600

Tim said:

>I can't imagine ever going back to old-fashioned break-in (semi
> or full).

I don't know what I'd do without full break-in.  I wish EVERYone had the
ability to know when the DX station was transimtting while they were still
sending their call!

However, when it comes to VOX keying, the TR system is light years ahead of
the conventional way.  As a side comment, my Alpha also allows me to route
the key through it so it switches to XMIT and then it tells the radio to key
down, then unkeys the radio before switching back to RECEIVE.

Absolutely 100% silent QSK.  Nothing like it.

Good luck in the contest you guys, I'm heading up to the hill.

Mark, N5OT