[TRLog] Lost call in SS

Jimmy Weierich kg2au@stny.rr.com
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 17:10:59 -0500

This happens to me at least once in SS each year:

Finish a QSO and hit enter.  Oh no, logged it as U88SF.  Now, what 
was his call?  Don't have a clue.  Could just delete the QSO, but 
that wouldn't be fair to the other op.

I know I can avoid this by putting spaces between the exchange 
elements.  But knowing and doing aren't always the same thing.

Is there any way to recover the "lost" call if you notice it before 
the next QSO?

If not, it sure would be a nice feature.

Jimmy Weierich, K2LV,   ex KG2AU       <kg2au@stny.rr.com>
Vestal, NY  USA           FN12xa