[TRLog] Cabrillo file frequency info
Richard Ferch
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 07:31:05 -0500
Hi Mike,
You asked:
> Is there a switch I overlooked to get the Cabrillo file to include the
> "real" frequency? It only shows 14000, 21000, etc.
First, is the frequency info in your log.dat file? i.e., did you use LOG
FREQUENCY ENABLE = TRUE in your config file? If not, the frequency
information is lost forever.
Assuming the info is there, for CQ WW you can go right to the next
paragraph, but as was discussed in another thread a week or so ago, in any
contest with serial numbers, first you have to create a log file with serial
numbers. To do this, use POST /L /C to renumber the contacts in your log
file, then rename log.dat to logfreq.dat and rename lallboth.dat to log.dat.
Now create the Cabrillo file. As you noticed, there is no frequency
information in it. All is not lost; there is a little program that will put
it back for you. This program reads a Cabrillo file (e.g. log.cbr) plus the
corresponding original log file containing frequency information
(logfreq.dat or log.dat, depending on whether you had to renumber QSOs), and
outputs a new Cabrillo file (call it logfreq.cbr) with the frequency
information. You can find this program (CBRFRFIX) at
http://www.storm.ca/~ve3iay/download.html . A couple of caveats: CBRFRFIX
only works for HF (160-10m), and it only works with TRLog files. I have been
using this for the past year and a half, and so far none of my "doctored"
Cabrillo files has been rejected ;)
Note for Ron: For contests with serial numbers, it would be a nice touch if
POST checked for LOG FREQUENCY ENABLE = TRUE in the .cfg file and if needed,
generated the serial numbers automatically in the Cabrillo file instead of
requiring a two-step process. And if POST is ever changed to do this, it
would cost very little extra effort to add the frequency information to the
Cabrillo file for all contests. Just get the three (or four, for 29000 to
29700) digit frequency info as well as the band info from the log.dat file,
and depending on the band, add the appropriate round number (1000, 3000,
..., 28000) to the frequency number to get the frequency in the format
Cabrillo uses. Of course, most people don't use LOG FREQUENCY ENABLE = TRUE,
and contest organizers do not insist on correct frequency information, so
this is not exactly the highest priority item on the wish list.