[TRLog] The end of MS-DOS as we know it

J. Edward (Ed) Muns w0yk@msn.com
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 11:01:23 -0800

You only need one laptop (or, desktop).  I've been running dual boot OS's
(MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 2000 or XP) ever since the Windows 2000 Beta, 3
years or so ago.  I run PED or RUFZ or TR-Log simulator on the airplane AND
do email or other business work.  I use Windows to manage my files in the
DOS partition and only go to DOS to run the DOS programs.  It's not that
much hassle and I have the best of both worlds.  If I only want to look at
my log and do edits on the way home from an expedition, I often just use a
DOS window in Windows because keying, radio control, TNC, packet, etc. are
not needed.

I prefer to start with a clean HDD to set up my dual boot.  I first use
FDISK to make a 2GB partition with FAT16 formatting and install MS-DOS 6.22.
Then, I install Windows 2000 or XP, making the rest of the HDD a second
partition formatted with NTFS.  Windows sets up a boot menu that allows you
to choose which OS gets booted at boot time.  One of them is a default so if
you don't make a choice within a (user-) specified time, the default is

If you already have Windows installed and don't want to clean your HDD, then
you can use software like Partition Magic to create a FAT16 partition in
some free space on your disk.  Install MS-DOS and you have the same setup.
Partition Magic, of course, adds its own software, e.g., a menu for choosing
the OS at boot time.  I like to minimize the number of software programs on
my computers to just those I really need, especially minimizing software
like Partition Magic which go deeper into the system than normal
applications.  But, I've never known anyone to have problems with Partition
Magic, so it should work just fine.

Ed - W0YK

> -----Original Message-----
> From: trlog-admin@contesting.com [mailto:trlog-admin@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Marty N5NW
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 9:31 AM
> To: trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TRLog] The end of MS-DOS as we know it
> I can certainly understand keeping old (legacy) equipment around
> to run ham
> radio ops, but it becomes a problem when traveling (as I do
> frequently).  It
> is truly a pain to carry two laptops, one for radio and one for
> "everything
> else", particularly when I'm combining a pleasure trip with a little
> business.
> I'd be happy if I could practice RUFZ on an XP-class laptop, and make some
> good use of airplane time.  As it is, I have to work on reports for work.
> :)
> de N5NW (Marty)
> Bellbrook, Ohio
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pete Smith" <n4zr@contesting.com>
> To: <K4BEV@aol.com>; <trlog@contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 11:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [TRLog] The end of MS-DOS as we know it
> > At 10:55 AM 11/26/02 -0500, K4BEV@aol.com wrote:
> > >I believe that this is only a problem if you WANT to buy a NEW
> computer.
> > >I just love the fact that the old machines are going for a couple of
> bucks.
> > >Might not be suited for the latest and greatest version of AutoCad, but
> they
> > >run TR just great, have a bunch of ISA slots, memory is CHEAP,
> etc., etc.
> Put
> > >a modem in there just to send your logs in and away you go.
> > >
> > >Like it says at the local Auto Recycle Plant (used to be the
> junk yard):
> > >Why buy new, when used will do?
> >
> >
> > In fact, I now run TR on an old machine with ISA slots.  It is
> set up with
> > 4 serial ports, etc. for 2-radio use.  The trouble is that I want to be
> > able to record contests, which I can't do on the same machine,
> and I also
> > want more horsepower for modeling, etc.  So I built up an XP
> 1700+ machine
> > and set it up with a mechanical KVM switch to conserve real
> estate on the
> > desk by using the same keyboard, monitor and mouse.  Only
> problem is that
> > when I swiotch these peripherals away from the fast machine and
> then come
> > back to it, the machine is losinging time erratically on the
> order of 2-3
> > percent.  This is visible as a freezing of the cursor and/or text input,
> > and by the system clock falling steadily behind real time.
> Overnight last
> > night, for example, it lost 3374 seconds relative to Dimension 4.
> >
> > I *think* I'll be able to beat this without investing in an expensive
> > electronic KVM switch, by connecting separate keyboards and mice, and
> > switching only the video, but that's unlovely.  I'm also denied
> the use of
> > Internet spots without a kludged connection between the two
> > machines.  Windows and a fast processor would solve all this,
> but there's
> > nothing like TR for CW contesting!
> >
> >
> > 73, Pete N4ZR
> > Sometimes a tower is just a tower
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > TRLog mailing list
> > TRLog@contesting.com
> > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/trlog
> >
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