[TRLog] Re: [TR-Log Update] Special TR version

Tree tree@kkn.net
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 08:48:17 -0700

On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 09:27:04AM -0600, Phil Goetz wrote:

> OK, I deleted the restart.bin file, and it loaded the 57 QSOs just fine.
> With that particular log, version 6.69 showed memory remaining of
> 108448.
> With the same log, the slimmed-down version of 6.71 showed 150576.

Oh yeah - my changes does change the RESTART.BIN format - and I forgot 
to change the revision # in that file.

While just means your old files won't work with this small version 
unless you delete the RESTART.BIN file.

A 42K increase in memory is about what I was hoping for.
