[TRLog] Special TR Version - Packet?

KL7RA kl7ra@blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 09:59:51 -0800

Gus writes:

>No Packet supprt, I guess that means no packet at all? 
>ctrl-B will not work, etc? We are planning M/M with 5 
>computers at SK3W, and I am concerned about the
>"huge amount" of QSOs we will make. One computer 
>is connected to the packetcluster, and the others can 
>use packet trough the MULTI PORT...(We could use 
>the "lite" version on all computers exept for the one
>connected to Packet).
>73s de Gus, SM3SGP

Hi Gus
We have logged over 10k qso's using six PC's and
continuos packet flow into the network from a seventh
PC on the internet. 

You might test your network and PC memory with debug 
and then packetsimulate. The instructions can be found in
the manual, section 7.3 Command Line options.

Those tests will give you a good idea of number of Q's
and any potential problem with the band maps.

Good luck on the "huge" number.

73 Rich KL7RA