[TRLog] Aborting RTTY messages

Tree tree@kkn.net
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 13:55:25 -0800

K4RO writes:

> TR makes a great RTTY contesting program with an external TU.
> However, there has to be a way tp abort a message immediately
> with the Escape key.
> Now that I think about it, there seem to be situations where 
> the same thing applies to CW.  That is, I cannot abort a CW 
> message under certain circumstances.  I think it happens 
> intermittently when using Control-Enter to log a QSO.  
> Has anyone else experienced an inability to abort messages?

The problem here is that TR is sending the string to be sent to
the TNC - and "it has left the station".  To stop the message by
pressing ESCAPE - TR would need to know that the TNC is still 
sending a message (otherwise, ESCAPE has a different meaning).  

I hadn't found a way to tell if the TNC was still transmiting 
or not - or if three was a way to abort a message in progress.

If someone knows how to do this - then perhaps we can improve
the operation.
