[TRLog] DVP file conflict between stdcfg.dat and Input Config File SSB Messages

Jim Smith jimsmith@shaw.ca
Sat, 07 Sep 2002 21:12:33 -0700

One for the archives.

I tried putting DVP filenames into SSB message memories using 
stdcfg.dat.  Works FB.

I then tried putting different DVP filenames into the same SSB message 
memories using an Input Config File, expecting the new filenames to 
overwrite the ones from stdcfg.dat.  They didn't.  Other items from the 
same Input Config File were loaded properly so the Input Config File was 
being read by TR.

Yes, the Input Config File = statement was placed after the contest = 
statement in logcfg.dat.

Anyway, a strange anomaly that cost me a couple of hours of head scratching.

Moral - Don't program SSB messages from stdcfg.dat if you want to 
overwrite them with an Input Config File.

Why would I want to do this?  It's part of a Grand Unification Project 
for all my TR contests.  When I'm happy with it I'll publish it for the 
few anal-retentives like me who are interested in such things.

Would I like to see this fixed?  Not really.  It's a very minor issue as 
far as I'm concerned.

Hope this helps someone sometime.

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO