[TRLog] State QP wish list items
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:27:17 EDT
During SQPs it sure would be fb if we could type in a mobile's call (i.e.
K4BEV/M) and see all of the previous QSO's with that mobile. It's hard to
keep track of which county(s) you've worked him in the way it is now. I guess
I could use a piece of paper, but I really like it when the computer does my
work for me.
I type in the call/cty, or call/M1...M2...etc. Either makes the guy DX as far
as TR is concerned. (Not a big deal problem though.) Otherwise he's
considered a dupe. Can you make this go away?
Also: Is there a switch to toggle between counties needed and the rest of the
planet; when operating a QP from it's home state? If not, then could there
73 to all, Don - K4BEV
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