[Trlog] Re: TR and QSO Parties

Ron D. Rossi rrossi at btv.ibm.com
Mon Apr 21 12:11:01 EDT 2003

Or just start TR and press ALT-U to flush the last five to LOG.DAT.

>>>"Dale L Martin" said:
> >
> > At 12:13 PM 4/20/03 -0400, you wrote:
> > >  I checked back through the log and found that 5
> > >contacts in a row were replaced by 5 earlier contacts thus
> > wiping out 5 q's
> > >and 5 mults!  Any ideas on this one?  I am using 6.73 13Feb03.
> >
> > Mike,
> >          It sounds like you lost the 5 qso's that are in the
> > editable portion
> > of the log (those 5 that are displayed on the screen).   Perhaps there is
> > some parameter that is set wrong.  When you shut down TR it should ask
> > you if the contest is over.   If you say no, it does not write
> > those 5 qso's
> > to log.dat.   At restart time, TR reads these 5 qso's from a separate
> > ?.dat file.   I can't recall the name of the temporary log file.
> >  You might
> > check to see if you have some parameter set to do (or not do) something
> > with that file.  Good luck.
> >
> > 73, Ken K5KA
> >
> >
> If it's the last five Q's that he lost, he can open the (filename).tmp file
> and cut and paste the five lines into the log file. Right?
> 73,
> dale, kg5u
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