[Trlog] N6TR - Amateur of the Year

George & Tammy Perkins gperkins at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Apr 29 08:19:23 EDT 2003

>From the latest ARRL letter:

" Well-known contester Larry "Tree" Tyree, N6TR, will receive
   Hamvention's 2003 Amateur of the Year Award. Tyree is the
   creator, organizer, and promoter of the successful Kid's Day..."

Congratulations Tree!

George - Ku3o

Full Text

Hamvention has named the winners of its 2003 Amateur of the Year, Special
Achievement and Technical Excellence awards. Well-known contester Larry
"Tree" Tyree, N6TR, will receive Hamvention's 2003 Amateur of the Year
Award. Tyree is the creator, organizer, and promoter of the successful
Kid's Day <http://www.arrl.org/FandES/ead/kd-rules.html>--now administered
by the ARRL. Kid's Day is an operating activity designed to give young
people a chance to experience Amateur Radio firsthand and possibly inspire
them to become licensees. Tyree also developed the popular TR-LOG contest
logging software. A ham since 1967, Tyree lives in Boring, Oregon, with
his wife and three daughters.

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