[Trlog] Auto Zero of Clarifier and Other issues

Tree tree at kkn.net
Sun Aug 3 14:26:29 EDT 2003

On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 02:00:41PM -0400, KZ5D at aol.com wrote:

> How can I delete the auto zero of the clarifier whenever you send a CQ with 
> TR? This is an annoying problem since I happen to listen about 20 hz up from my 
> transmitted signal. 

Remove the > character from the CQ Message.

> Is there any way to set the program not to allow access to the same bands 
> when using SO2R? Just getting used to this neat system, but found myself jumping 
> the run radio onto the second radio's band in the NAQP. Not too good for the 
> second radio's RX.

> After the contests, I noticed an optin under Control J about "Total Time 
> Off." I haven't seen any documentation about it, so any idea what this does?

Not much - I gave up on the time off feature years ago.


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