R: [Trlog] Version of TR-Log for WAE CW

Soro Roberto roberto.soro at sia.it
Tue Aug 5 20:49:59 EDT 2003

Hi all,

6.70 needed the special cty_multi.dat with all the
ja, k, vk ,py call areas.
6.73 does the job, but doesn't show correctly the mult on the
mult window at qso time (you need it at least in S&P)

I think I will go with 6.70.

(mult are shown wrong for w).
Don't mix up 6.73 and cty_mult becouse 
6.73 looks for k0, k1, k2,.. mult
while in cty USA is w0, w1,w2,...

cu in wae.
I will try to do the top-10 low power!

Bob,I2WIJ (IR2V in contest)

mailto:i2wij at qsl.net

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Pete Smith [mailto:n4zr at contesting.com]
Inviato: lunedì 4 agosto 2003 13.47
A: Mark Bailey; trlog at contesting.com
Oggetto: Re: [Trlog] Version of TR-Log for WAE CW

At 02:00 PM 8/3/03 -0400, Mark Bailey wrote:
>Hi All:
>What is the recommended version of TR for WAE?  I used
>6.70 last year and did not see any of the problems that
>Will discusses below.  I don't recall any further
>discussion...are any of these new problems in 6.73?
>I will be on high-power, single-op, assisted I suppose,
>with two radios.
>Thanks for any advice.  I'm leaning toward 6.70 since I
>used it successfully last year from PJ2M.
>Mark, KD4D
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "William Liporace - NA2NA" <na2na at earthlink.net>
>To: <trlog at contesting.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 8:41 PM
>Subject: Re: [Trlog] TR in WAE
> > I do not know about the reporting/logging of the TR for the WAE... There
> > were a few other things that seemed broke or could use fixing in WAE!
> >
> > You could not hand out QTCs until you had 10. But the way the contest
> > you could hand out QTCs every three (any other number) if you wanted
> > heard people even handing out one at a time.

This was not the case for me.  It worked beautifully with as few as one in 
the hopper.

> >
> > If you exited the program it cleared QTCs that were building, so you
> > almost forces to hand them all out even if you were not ready.

I never shut down during the contest that I recall, so can't comment on

K2ONP's comment later turned out to be a problem with not sending the QTC 
data file to DARC, not with TR.

73, Pete N4ZR

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