R: [Trlog] POST for WAE

Soro Roberto roberto.soro at sia.it
Wed Aug 27 17:02:16 EDT 2003

Hi all,

used this POST, it's great.

Still a small thing to set:

a little ":" colon in the QTC time;
from my WAE.CBR log
........ WRONG format ..........
QSO: 14000 CW 2003-08-09 0041 IR2V          599     32 K4LTA         599 24
QTC: 14000 CW 2003-08-09 00:44 IR2V            2/10     K4LTA         0015
IK0YVV          35
QTC: 14000 CW 2003-08-09 00:44 IR2V            2/10     K4LTA         0016
EA5GX            7

........ RIGHT format ..........
QSO: 14000 CW 2003-08-09 0041 IR2V          599     32 K4LTA         599 24
QTC: 14000 CW 2003-08-09 0044 IR2V            2/10     K4LTA         0015
IK0YVV          35
QTC: 14000 CW 2003-08-09 0044 IR2V            2/10     K4LTA         0016
EA5GX            7

>From cabrillo specs, the QTC time is the same format as the QSO time.

An easy workaround with notepad:

substitute the whole file ": " with "$$"
substitute the whole file ":" with ""
substitute the whole file "$$" with ": "

and you are done.

No need to fix it now, next release will be OK.

Thank you Tree.
Bob, I2WIJ

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Tree [mailto:tree at kkn.net]
Inviato: sabato 16 agosto 2003 19.50
A: trlog at contesting.com
Oggetto: [Trlog] POST for WAE

A version of POST that supports the WAE contest has been sent to the
update lists.  It is version 6.73.5.

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Trlog at contesting.com

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