[Trlog] anyone try this?

UN7GM un7gm at seznam.cz
Sun Dec 7 02:48:46 EST 2003

N4OGW> Has anyone tried one of these?
N4OGW> http://www.halfkeyboard.com/
N4OGW> It would leave one hand free for tuning radios, etc. Not sure how hard it
N4OGW> is to do the control combinations or functions keys necessary for TR.

If  you like to leave one hand free, I can tell something about it. My
solution  do  not  need  any  additional software or any mods for PC -
simple  PCB  with  AVR  AT90S2313 and CD4053, connected between PC and
keyboard. It work as CW transcoder - Morse code to keyboard PS/2 code.
CW  transcoder can work with any PC(PS or PS/2 port only) or software,
main  keyboard  work  "as is". No problem to do 5 CW QSO per minute or
even more, as it was during last CQ WW CW. I like CW with paddle, this
is  the  reason  for  development  of CW transcoder for contesting. No
problem now, even with various type of loggers.

UN7GM(UP5G Team)

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