[Trlog] TR v 6.72 and TS940s

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Mon Feb 17 15:09:38 EST 2003

At 01:19 PM 2/17/03 -0600, Tree wrote:
> > Now the bad news. For some reason, with 6.72 when tuning in a signal
> > with a ts940 (same problem with three of them) the audio changes in about
> > 10hz steps rather than a smooth transition. The problem goes away
> > when 6.69 or 6.68 is reinstalled. I suspect the higher polling rate
> > on the serial port has something to do with it.
>Haven't heard that on the 850.  Perhaps the normal poll rate should be
>the "default"?

Nor did I using the PIEXX board in my TS-930, but of course that is much 
later technology than the original uP in the 940.  I *love* the faster 
polling on both radios -- it has pretty well done away with some of the odd 
things that used to get in the log.


73, Pete N4ZR
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