[Trlog] TR v 6.72 and TS940s

Ron D. Rossi rrossi at btv.ibm.com
Tue Feb 18 10:04:56 EST 2003

>Tree replied to VA7NT:
>> > First the good news. Some will remember my reporting clock issues.
>> > I had a chance to narrow it down. It seems that if a radio is specified
>> > for a port, but either not on, or not connected, the clock display is
>> > irratic. If the rig is connected and on the display is normal.
>>I have seen the same thing with my TS850 as a second radio.  If it is off,
>>the clock only updates every 2 seconds or so.  Normally, not an issue, but
>>it is a small pain when using the auto-cq function.
>I noted the pollng rate to radio 1 slows down significantly when radio 2 isn't
>there.  I now notice that the clock updates every other second then, too.
>Serves as a good reminder to turn it on!

Nice spin on it Brett! 

TRLog bases whether or not an interfaced radio is present by whether or not a 
port is defined to support it. I have provided a method to turn off the 
polling to either radio which keeps the timeouts from occurring, and hence the 
clock display studder. You may still see delays if you for some reason try to 
send commands to a radio that is not connected though. My suggestion is to go 
into the CTRL-J menu and toggle POLL RADIO ONE or POLL RADIO TWO to the state 
which reflects the correct state of your station.

I could put in some code which acts on the fact that a radio does not respond 
to frequency queries by essentially turning it off. I would then need to
ping the radio portevery now and then to see if a radio is connected or turned 
back on. I really don't think the complexity nor overhead is worth the tiny 

73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron rossi(kk1l at arrl.net) <><
Support Programmer for TRLog http://www.qth.com/tr
QTH: Jericho, Vermont
My page: http://www.qsl.net/kk1l

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