[Trlog] Watching an old friend slowly die

Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av at contesting.com
Thu Feb 20 19:41:08 EST 2003

... an experience I would not wish on a hated enemy.

But this is what is happening with TRLog.

I'm used to TRLog. I like TRLog. I'm a fan of TRLog. I don't want to
switch. But...


If the inane inexplicable sometimes, sometimes not problems running
TRLog under Windows in a dos box aren't solved...

If we don't get a windows-based translation of com x to
joes.computer:1158 or some such device to substitute for increasingly
scarce and unreliable physical com ports in serial daisy chain
configurations, so that we can use any modern TCPIP connection for our
network connections...

If we don't solve timing/exclusive access problems using a dos
box/command prompt...


Our TRLog multi-multi setup becomes more problematic every time out.
The serial port daisy chain is now ALWAYS the LAST thing we get
running, and the FIRST thing to fail and require a computer change in
the middle of the contest. We have had serial port daisy chain issues
to overcome in ALL of the last five outings. We have had as many
Windows/daisy chain/serial port contest affecting failures as all
other types of failures combined, including amp, antenna, and radio

If we switch loggers in the multi-multi setup, I will have to change
to the same logger at home so I will show up at the multi operation
trained and versed in the new logger, ready to go.

It won't matter how many cute features or configurabilities TRLog has
(and some of them are my absolute favorites), I will have to abandon
it because Windows, IP networks, exclusive control, etc, etc, are not
being dealt with.

I'm not arguing who should do what or why. But the doc is spending his
time on hair color and skin tone and manicures while the patient is
dying of congestive heart failure.

I'm losing an old friend. And I don't want to.

Does anybody care?

Should I just give up and move on?

73, Guy

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