[Trlog] Who Will Kill TRlog?

Josep ea6bf at arrl.net
Sat Feb 22 17:49:38 EST 2003

I am nobody to speak about TRLog, but I have things very clear, if TR do not
fit your needs, then forget it, leave it, but if it good for you, then used
it, simple, uh..? For me still is, and will be for long, the best program to
use, but note that I use it normally SO, so don´t know about multi ports,
etc.  73/Josep EA6BF (ex EA6ACC).

> >  If TRLog cedes the multis to the WriteLogs, etc, just because of
> >  network connections, then all the operators that get their wings and
> >  first training at the multis will come out familiar/salted to the
> >  other programs.
> Been "handicapped" by TRlog: I went to help N3AD M/M and the first time
> were running CT, the second time WRITELog. Not being familiar with those,
> ended up running my Notebook with TRlog and being "sentenced" to one band
> (20m) without benefit of passing mx or knowing what is going on other
> Second time it was quite easy to figure out minimum required to run with
> WriteLog, without the benefit of all the nice shortcuts and features being
> used to in TRlog. Better than memory keyer, but felt like being on
> If there was a way of hooking up DOS/TRLog running in the window to using
> or Ethernet ports, that would help slow migration.
> First step would be to find good USB to RS232 adapters and software
> and configuration for WIN95/98 so we can run radios with newer computers.
> next step would be to implement networking via windows.
> So far I love my TRLog running on old IBM Thinkpad but I am itching to
> explore, killer Pentium notebook, with sound recording, map showing,
> propagation tracking and bikini lady waking me up when falling asleep.
> Question for SO2R: what is more efficient, running TRlog on one computer
> on two computers networked, one for each radio?
> Yuri, K3BU
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