[Trlog] Sidetone

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Sun Feb 23 01:12:26 EST 2003

Depends on the sound card.  Mine (AWE 64) has a couple of little 
connector pins sticking out of it.  You pull the little plastic 
connector with the two wires coming out of the back of it off the 
speaker and plug it onto these connector pins on the sound card.  Check 
your soundcard documentation.

Once I did this I no longer got a stiff neck using TR Simulator for cw 
practice as I no longer had to stick my head under the desk to hear the 
computer speaker while typing calls on the keyboard.

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO

N6PE wrote:

>The XYL has asked:
>Is there anyway of routing the CW sidetone to the sound card instead of the PC speaker?
>Rick, N6PE
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