[Trlog] Exchange not being sent.

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Sun Feb 23 12:35:54 EST 2003

I too was confused by CW messages in the beginning.
For me, the problem was getting used to the grouping 
of exchange info into three different places:  CQ Messages, 
Exchange Messages, and Other.

I thought "Other" meant stuff I might not normally
use.  Yet this is where some of the most important 
messages (CQ and S&P Exchange for example) are located.

I also expected "CQ mode" messages to all be listed
on the "CQ Messages" screen.  Instead, they are grouped
by whether you are in "exchange" mode (as opposed to
CQ or S&P mode) which just further confuses me, even 
now that I know how it's done.

I'm not sure what the answer is.  Perhaps if there was
a way to have all of the messages clearly programmable
in one place?  And/or a way to make the most important
"default" fields (CQ, Exchange, TU) be clearly marked?

I now copy config files that I spent lots of time working
out in the past, so it's much easier for me today. I can 
understand the confusion and frustration though.

-Kirk  K4RO       ( who will gladly use TR for the forseeable...)

On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 01:06:36AM -0800, Jim Smith wrote:
> I have to agree with Mike here.  I initially found TR to be quite 
> mysterious (this has improved to sometimes mysterious)...

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