[Trlog] Cabrillo Output

John/K4WJ k4wj at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 28 12:22:45 EST 2003

I converted my FOC Marathon log to a Cabrillo File and the format it is in 
doesn't seem to be acceptable to the contest managers. The Cabrillo log 
shows my signal report alongside the signal report received from the 
station I worked. Both of these 599 reports are followed by the other 
station's FOC number. In other words, I don't see the "info sent" , "info 
received" format.

Here are a few lines from my Cabrillo file,

QSO:  7000 CW 2003-01-31 2232 K4WJ                     N4AF          599 
599 1712
QSO:  7000 CW 2003-01-31 2235 K4WJ                     5B4AGC        599 
599 1249
QSO:  7000 CW 2003-02-01 0159 K4WJ                     ZF2NT         599 
599 1669

This is what I found at http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/qso-template.html

QSO:  3799 PH 1999-03-06 0711 
HC8N          59  700    W1AW          59  CT     0

Note that the signal report and exchange are on both sides of W1AW. HC8N 
sent 59 700 and W1AW sent 59 CT.

How can I tell TR which Cabrillo template to use?

Any ideas?

73..de John/K4WJ
73..de John/K4WJ
   John/K4WJ in Pembroke Pines, FL
    QTH  26 00 51 N
         80 16 16 W

K8PXG from 18 Jun 59 to 11 Feb 97
K8WJ  from 12 Feb 97 to 07 Apr 97
ZF2HZ from 17 May 84 to 31 Dec 84

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