[TRLog] First character of QSL message "STICKS"

Frank Davis fdavis@nf.sympatico.ca
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 10:57:27 -0330

Last night in the NAQP I had comments about  my keying that was causing =
some confusion for the listeners and also for me!!

For some reason the first character of the QSL message that the computer =
sends "sticks" on for what seems like a long time maybe half a sec or =
so...all the time. !....It only happens just prior to  the QSL messages =
when TRLog is writing the Q to the log edit window.  There is some =
setting to do with the PTT and CW send delay that isn't right. It =
doesn't happen when I call in S&P  or when calling CQ and responding to =
a caller.....only with the second ENTER key to put the Q in the log.   I =
stopped  my contesting at one point to see if I could figure  it out as =
it wasn't happening with other config files for other contests although =
it has happened before at other times.  I reset the PTT ENABLE to TRUE =
and set the delay to about 10 and rebooted the PC and it seemed to not =
be as bad....but the sticking is still there.    I'm still working on =
it.  Something may have changed in the PC as well.   This all started =
around the time I wired my 25PIN LPT1 Plug to accept a paddle so I could =
use the paddle with TRLog for chatting etc ....

I am using a FT1000MP with  VOX off and the BK IN button set for QSK and =
the internal KEYER turned off.  What settings should I be using for the =
PTT and the CW DELAY etc??

I am running TRLog on a 330mhz notebook with WIN98...TR runs in a DOS =
window so are there any AUTOEXEC.BAT  or CONFIG.SYS commands that may be =
impacting this issue??

Tnx to all for the Q's in NAQP

73 Frank VO1HP

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