[Trlog] How to set TR for 1-run/1-SP

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Wed Jul 2 11:03:37 EDT 2003


Probably the best way to run on one radio and S&P on
the other is to use the "Alt-D" feature of TR-Log.
While running on radio A, press Alt-D to enter a S&P 
call from radio B.  You can continue running on radio
A.  When you are ready to call the S&P station, just
his spacebar.  TR handles the radio switching automatically,
and calls the S&P station on the appropriate radio.  You 
then enter the QSO just like any other.  After the QSO,
TR switches you automatically back to CQ'ing on radio A.
You never have to touch Alt-R, unless a fill is required.

-Kirk  K4RO

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 11:58:56AM +0900, Tack Kumagai wrote:
> Hi all
> I run TR v6.73 in AACW and enjoyed the Dualing CQ at the first 
> time with the following setup.
> Radio1: FT1000
> Radio2: FT1000MP
> PC: P2-300 Win98SE TR run in DosWindow together with DXSummit
> SO2R I/F: ArraySolutions SO2R Master
> Dualing CQ worked really great and +20-30% more productive than 
> single band. However I could not run 1radio-Run and the other 
> radio-SP.
> When I set RadioA for CQ and Alt-R then set RadioB for SP. When 
> switch back to RadioA it was set to SP.
> Did I miss something?
> 	---------
> 	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
> 	JE1CKA <je1cka at jzap.com>
> 	http://je1cka.jzap.com/
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