[Trlog] My notes about TR vers. 6.73 in IARU

Ron D. Rossi rrossi at btv.ibm.com
Tue Jul 15 15:44:15 EDT 2003

It pulls the ALT-D call from the band map of the second radio and allows you 
to just hit the space bar to work them. It saves having to type in the call 
from the second radio each time you want to work them. You do it once...it 
loads it in the band map...when you tune to them again they are ready to go. 
Really pretty cool! I am not sure what Toni did, but to overwrite the call all 
you need to do is start typing a new one...no ESC is needed.

The auto ALT-D IS and option. It was a PITA to code and is one of the key 
features of 6.73.

73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron (kk1l at arrl.net) <><
Ron Rossi ASIC PE Test -- IBM Microelectronics
QTH: Jericho, Vermont
My page: http://www.qsl.net/kk1l

>>>Tree said:
> > - Using ALT - D did leave the old call in window. In previous versions ALT 
    - D gave me empty window, now I had to use ESC key to empty the window befo
    re editing new call. (Guess how many times I left the old call in window an
    d just typed the new one...) Sometimes window was empty allready...
> So - can someone explain to me why this feature was added?  Not sure I 
> understand.  For version 6.74, I am probably backing this out - but can
> make it an option if it is really needed.
> Tree
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