[Trlog] Packet internet connection

Charlie Ocker N9CO at aol.com
Sun Jul 20 13:04:32 EDT 2003

Punkymcd at pacbell.net wrote:
> Is there a way to use TRlog to connect the packet connection via the 
> internet such as telenet?
> Thanks
> 73, Don, W6OA

Hi Don,

You'll probably get a few more responses to this.  Short answer is "yes".

Go to the TRLOG webpage.  I forget the exact section, maybe "user 
submitted stuff" or something like that, but there is an article by WM5R 
that addresses this.

Ken's solution uses another machine running Linux (great OS, btw).  The 
Linux machine has the internet connection.  If your other machine is 
running WinDoze(tm), I can't help you with that.  Maybe some other user can.

73 es gl,
Charlie  N9CO

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