[Trlog] VHF - Rover log submission

Tree tree at kkn.net
Wed Jun 18 12:10:31 EDT 2003

> I've submitted a single Cabrillo file with varying grids, and the robot 
> has accepted it.  Looks like I'm in order.  Thanks! 

Great.  This certainly isn't one of TR's long suits.  Not sure it ever will
be unless I change the .DAT log format (something I have not done for 12 
years now).  

One idea I have had is to use the Cabrillo standard for the .DAT file.  This
would simply mean that everything needed for the QSO: entries would be in
the log - and you can switch sent information on the fly.  However, it also
means that things like QSO points aren't there, and that would cause other 
issues.  I doubt people are prepared to lose the score calculation during
the contest.

The problem is that most any idea I come up with has enough negative side
effects that I end up doing nothing.  


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