[Trlog] RTTY Wish List

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Mon Mar 3 07:57:40 EST 2003

I know that Ron is working on a lot of stuff right now,
and that RTTY is not at the top of the priority list.
However there are a few items which would make a world 
of difference in RTTY contesting if they could be fixed.

Hopefully some of these might be easy cures. I took some 
notes during the RTTY NAQP, and thought I'd post them now
with the RTTY Sprint coming up, in case some other TR RTTY
users have any suggestions.  The following are in order of
importance, more or less.


* Have Control-Enter always be "silent," as in never transmit.
Currently, it still tries to send an EXCG when going from CALL
to EXCG field.  It is only "silent" when logging the EXCG.
This was a problem on CW a few years ago, and has since been
corrected on CW.  

* A way to imbed a CR/LF sequence before every message.
This could be a global default for RTTY, as far as I am
concerned.  Several have said it helps to start with info on
a new line in the QRM of a RTTY contest.  Right now, this
can be fudged a little with ^P^M^P^J sequences, but they
are kludgy at best, and also not stored properly in the
LOGCFG.DAT file.  If every sent message could have a new
line (CR/LF) in front of it, that would take care of all.

* User control over what is sent with "Enter" after a 
call sign is entered, particularly in S&P mode.  Currently,
in S&P mode it sends "@ DE MYCALL"  or "@ DE MYCALL MYCALL"
if pressed the second time.  There is no way to just send
"DE MYCALL" from what I have tried, other than programming
a separate F-key to do it.  It would be better to be able
to have some control over what is sent with Enter, like on CW.

* Some means to "tail-end" a RTTY QSO.  This is related to
the Ctrl-Enter and the "@ DE MYCALL" issues, as the user has
little control over what is or is not sent.  If the tail end
key worked like on CW, that would be perfect.  If Control-Enter
can be fixed, that would help a great deal.

* Somehow fit a band map for RTTY in there somewhere.  I sure
miss the band map in RTTY contests.  But don't get rid of the
FIGS display -- it is great, and often makes the QSO happen.
Any possibility of swapping the mults/score display with a band 
map in some kind of toggle?

Thanks for a great program that works well on many modes!

-Kirk  K4RO

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