[Trlog] While they're fresh...

KL7RA kl7ra at ptialaska.net
Tue Mar 4 17:43:25 EST 2003

Subject: Re: [Trlog] While they're fresh... 

Ron writes: 
> I have an old remote print switch. It is housed in a 1/4" high 1"x3" little 
> case. Nice flat square button. I set that below the space bar or pick it up 
> and use it while leaning back in the chair if I don't want the vox on. I use 
> this as well as a footswitch and the keyboard Left CTRL-SHIFT.

I had missed Pete's point, I assumed he was using the footswitch for 
another option. VOX is really the only way to go but it does require
a smooth transition to transmit and back again to receive. If it's not
"perfect" every time, vox is a distraction for sure. 

I believe they make really nice footswitches for other applications but 
I have never seen one. I just tried George's idea of using the control shift 
with tone off for keyboard PTT. Works for me. All the keyboards here 
(IBM, Compaq, Gateway, off shore clones) have the control shift together. 

>From this discussion maybe it would be helpful for TRLog to default the
tone to zero when in SSB mode. Most of my keyboards have a 
"Windoze" logo, could that be used for single key PTT? If so, maybe it
could be called the keyboard footswitch and have all the same options
as the real one. Oops, just heard Ron cringe, but I like Pete's idea. I
know adding extra ptt hardware is easy but we have this big tray of 
nice flat square buttons in front of us anyway (keyboard) so might as 
well use them.

73 Rich KL7RA 

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