[Trlog] Russian DX Contest

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at r66.ru
Thu Mar 13 01:11:36 EST 2003

I think even better would be custom CTY.dat with Russian oblasts as
countries but that is a bit time consuming...
See you in Russian DX contest. Activity from Russia should be pretty high...


> The popular Russian DX contest is this week and I note that N1MM Logger
> and UA1AAF logger pre-fill in the oblast, since it is based on the call.
> I have built TRMASTER files to approximate the above for TR users.
> ------
> Since this is the initial build, I would recommend you place a line in
> in your cfg file reading
> rather than trying to set INITIAL EXCHANGE = QTH
> -------
> This should display the proper oblast, below the CALL window, in
> the USER INFO window.
> Two flavors of the TRMASTER are available at ftp://ftp.qsl.net/pub/n4af
> TRAAF.ZIP is a 63K copy containing the common calls found in the
> contest- tks to UA1AAF, to which I have added oblasts to the QTH field.
> TRALL.ZIP is the full Monty. It is the current (02/18/03) MASALL.ZIP,
> but I have run my program against it to insert the oblasts (in the QTH
> field).It is a much larger file.
> I need to get f/b on any errors in the Oblasts that display.The oblast
> data should be built on the basis of
> (With the exception that they erroneously show R3T as both IV and NN
> oblasts).
> 73, Howie
> --
> Howard Hoyt N4AF
> http://www.qsl.net/n4af
> Bluebird Trail
> Blounts Creek, NC
> 27814
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