[Trlog] more omni 6 plus woes

John Unger w4au at contesting.com
Tue Mar 25 08:25:45 EST 2003

John -

Ron changed the way in which TR reads Icom radios (the Omni VI uses 
Icom-like commands for radio control) beginning with version 6.72. You 
should try setting radio type to IC781 rather than the old type IC735 for 
your Omni VI and things should work a lot better; it did for me. Not 
perfect, but better. Ron is currently working on making a "real" Omni VI 
interface for TR, I believe.

73 - John, W4AU

At 11:46 PM 3/24/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>i've been a bit behind on updating versions.  i just put up 6.72, and when
>i first start up tr log, it reads and displays the frequency and mode
>correctly once, then never more.  if i change band, mode, or freqency,
>that is never reported by tr log.  i can command the radio to change
>freqency, and it responds, but that is about all.  i tried varying 'icom
>command pause' and 'icom response timeout' without any success.  i don't
>have the 6.71 versions in my inbox for some reason, but if i go back to
>6.70, the omni works.  looking with a scope, both the txd and rxd lines
>are going like crazy - all the time.
>i seem to be having more problems than other omni users reported.  i'd
>appreciate any feedback on settings you've changed from the default.  i am
>running an old, slow, ibm thinkpad 760el with the default baud rate of
>4800.  thanks.
>73, john
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