[Trlog] Setting Up SS Messages

Bob Wanderer aa0cy at QUADNET.NET
Mon Nov 3 16:25:31 EST 2003

Is there any way to set up the precedent, check, and section
in the messages so it takes the info from logcfg.dat (i.e.
like \ is the callsign shown in the config file)?  I looked
through the manual, but did not see anything.  If not, that
would be on my wish list.

This year I worked the sections I historically miss like
Quebec, Newfoundland-Labrador, Maritime, and Delaware, but
missed the ones I normally work like Alaska and N(W)T.
However, I missed southern NJ!!!
I don't currently have 80 and 160 capability and 40 went
long too fast.  However, I listened to the suggestion (can't
remember where I read it) from the W8's to start on 40.
Great idea.  Thanks!

Well, 77 sections would have gotten me a clean sweep several
years ago.  Oh, well.  I understand how Chicagoans feel
(about the Cubs).  I've been trying unsuccessfully to get a
clean sweep since 1977.  In the immortal words of Roseanne
Roseannadanna, "it's always something."  As it is said,
there's always next year.


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