[Trlog] Lost Dupesheet (version 6.78)

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Mon Nov 3 22:45:40 EST 2003

Anyone have trouble with Trlog's dupe checking function in
SS. At W6UE we had two PC's connected in a multiport
network for SS. On Sunday afternoon on one of the two
computers (the IBM Aptiva) stopped finding dupes as if the
program lost its internal dupesheet. Mike, KA6SAR first
noticed it when he started getting "QSO B4" replies from
all of the callsigns on the bandmap that appeared to be
"fresh meat" (e.g. no asterisks in front of the callsign). As
soon as he realized what was going on (and mumbling
something about using CT instead of TRlog), he started
using alt-L (log search) to dupe calls, and sure enough it
became clear that the program wasn't duping properly.
The other computer in our two computer multi-port network
(our Dell P-133) was still tracking dupes just fine.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the IBM Aptiva
with the duping problem also seemed to be having
trouble handling all the activity on the multi-port. At times
the keyboard latency got so bad that it was almost
impossible to edit in the exchange window (at these
times it would take a few seconds between a key press
and the corresponding call/exchange window update).
This PC was getting its packet feeds over the multi-port
from the other logging computer which was in-turn
connected to our Telnet computer using the Trlog
packet port function.

Any idea what might cause the lost dupe capability or
the sluggish editing? The Aptiva has a flaky A: drive,
but after the initial boot from floppy into DOS mode, I
didn't think there was any A: drive activity to speak of.

73 de Mike, W4EF.....................................

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