[Trlog] It isn't a SCP BUG?! It's a feature!

kd4d at comcast.net kd4d at comcast.net
Tue Nov 4 15:38:49 EST 2003

Hi All:

I have done a bit of investigating.  It appears that SCP ONLY
checks calls from trmaster.dta.  It does NOT check calls from
the log.  This explains why some calls showed up in the
SCP window and some didn't.  OK...it's a feature.  The old
definition I have for a "feature" is:  A DOCUMENTED BUG!  :-)

The worked calls appear (at least now) to be showing up OK in
the "POSSIBLE CALLS" window.

I find this behavior very confusing, since DUPES are marked in
the SCP window, but only the DUPES that appear in trmaster.dta.

This becomes an enhancement request, then.  I find it almost
impossible to watch both the SCP and POSSIBLE CALL windows 
when I'm doing S&P.  Last weekend, I found myself looking at the
SCP window...it's bigger and seems easier to read.  Please, Tree,
can we add calls from our log to the SCP window?  The POSSIBLE
CALL window seems to me more useful after the callsign has been
entered, showing POSSIBLE CALLS with errors...

Thanks and 73.

Mark, KD4D 

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