[Trlog] TRLog DVP Questions - Again
Pete Smith
n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Nov 5 16:41:02 EST 2003
At 08:21 PM 11/5/03 +0000, you wrote:
>1. If I program a SHORT CQ in CQ MEMORY 1 (CQF1.DVP), this
>message will be played on the active radio if I press "RETURN"
>or "F1" in CQ mode with a blank callsign window.
>2. If I have a message in CQ EXCHANGE (CQECXHNG.DVP), that
>message will be played if, in CQ mode, I type in a callsign
>and hit return, bringing up the exchange window.
>I am confused about the entries for CQ SSB EXCHANGE and
>CQ CW EXCHANGE. In CQ CW EXCHANGE, I enter a string I
>want sent in CW. Is the entry for CQ SSB EXCHANGE a
>filename (like CQEXCHNG.DVP)? Does TR automatically set up
>CQ EXCHANGE = CQECXHNG.DVP? Is the CQ F1 memory based
>on the DVP file name or CQ F1? Are all of these defaults
>based on DVP file name or the key name?
This is a prime example of where I think Appendix A has made the mistake of
documenting the internal workings of the program rather than functioning as
a user manual. As far as I can tell, these and similar entries in Appendix
A are irrelevant to the working of the program in the real world. If you
bring the program up in SSB mode and do Alt-P|O, you will ONLY see the
phone messages, each denoted by a filename into which you store your voiced
message. Use Alt-W to write the message, ESC to end it, and Alt-R to
listen to it. Period. go on to the next one.
>3. If I have a message in QSL Message (QSL.DVP) or Quick
>QSL (QUICKQSL.DVP), these will be played in CQ mode after
>I copy the other stations exchange and press either "ENTER"
>or "\" respectively.
>4. If I have a message in EXCHANGE MEMORY F1 (MYCALL.DVP),
>and I hit F1 in S&P (in callsign or exchange window) or
>press the space bar in the callsign window, or press
>"ENTER" in the callsign window (with a callsign
>present)that message will be played.
>5. If I have a message in QSO Before (QSOB4.DVP),
>and AUTO DUPE ENABLE CQ = TRUE, and I hit enter
>in CQ mode with a duplicate call in the callsign
>window, that message will be sent, the computer
>may beep, and the callsign will dissappear.
>6. If I have a message recorded in S&P Exchange
>(SAPEXCHG.DVP), and I press "ENTER" in the exchange
>window in S&P mode after copying an exchange, that
>message will be sent.
>7. Repeat S&P Exchange and CQ Ex Name and Tail end
>msg work like they do in CW. (I don't use these.) :-)
>If I have this correct, I'll tackle two radio mode
>(and the ALT-F3 CQ message! :-))
Mark, if you have a sound card on the computer that you're practicing with,
you can test all of this by downloading SBDVP by W9CF. It's on his web
site. Be sure you get the latest version (1.03), because the earlier ones
will not work with later versions of TR. All you do then is load SBDVP
instead of DVPTSR before you run TR (both are TSRs). SBDVP does a
wonderful emulation of a DVP; the only tricky part is that you need to
unload SBDVP (command SBDVP -U) after closing TR, before the .DVP files are
written to disk. Otherwise, you get to do it all over again! You also
need to write a little ASCII INI file to tell SBDVP what files to load into
memory the next time. All this is covered in the documentation for SBDVP,
but you'll need to dig a little because the docs could be better organized
for the user.
You'll need to get your microphone audio to the sound card, and listen to
the recorded messages on the line output of the sound card. I wrote a
little article in the latest NCJ, repeated in the latest PVRC Newsletter,
about a very simple interface for doing all this.
When you get to the station that has the DVP, just load the DVPTSR instead
and everything should work just the same, though I'm not sure how the DVP
handles all the extra filenames; maybe it doesn't load them into memory
like SBDVP, but just gets them off the disk each time. It's been a while
since I had a DVP; I sold mine once I got SBDVP working well.
73, Pete N4ZR
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