[Trlog] TRlog under Linux!

Guy Olinger, K2AV olinger at bellsouth.net
Sat Nov 8 20:25:17 EST 2003

My question is whether the CW comes out jerky.

In the past Linux attempts have had the "busy-doing-something-else"
problem that you get from other multi-tasking OS's, causing jerky CW
and unhelpful pauses, however short.

If that IS solved, by running up the priority or ????, that would open
up Linux/dosemu as a vein to create proxy com port daisy chain
networks that are in fact running over Ethernet, and that have no
speed restrictions.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Schmidt" <w9cf at ptolemy.la.asu.edu>


> In the dosemu.conf you need to point one of the com ports to an
> pseudo terminal with for example the line:
> $_com1 = "/dev/ptyq1"
> In that case /dev/ptyq1 will be the master, and the slave will be
> You then fire up anything you want using /dev/ttyq1 for io. I don't
> a telnet daemon running so I tested it with secure shell.
> For it I just typed, in another window:
> ssh < /dev/ttyq1 > /dev/ttyq1 localhost
> to log in to localhost. The input and output will be sent to
> which is com1 under trlog. You can then connect to anything you want
> from trlog. Normally pseudo ttys will work run under root, so I
think dosemu
> must be given root privileges for this to work, but as I said I
> tried this for a while.
> 73 Kevin w9cf
> =-------------------------------------------------------------
> Kevin Schmidt, w9cf at ptolemy.la.asu.edu, http://fermi.la.asu.edu/w9cf
> Department of Physics and Astronomy
> Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504
> (480) 965-8240 Fax: (480) 965-7954
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