K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Fri Nov 14 23:33:38 EST 2003

Well with a check of 76, I do qualify for QCWA. But 
I guess I'd better apply for an early senility card...
I had a feeling we'd been down this road before, yet it 
hadn't occurred to me to check the archives while playing
TR Crayola color games during the WAE.  I will try to 
remember this for NEXT year's WAE RTTY.  Promise!  
Thanks Brett.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 01:16:37AM +0000, VR2BrettGraham wrote:
> Kirk's just a little older than me & like me probably qualifies for QCWA,
> so I guess we can both be excused for having forgotten about:
> ...
> I worked one guy this weekend who sent me "TT7" for a serial number,
> so perhaps there's one other out there using TR for RTTY other than
> Kirk, Rich & me.  ;^)

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