[Trlog] CQ memories sent when Exchange window visible

Mike Heideman mike_heideman at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 18 09:23:50 EST 2003

During SS Phone I used SBDVP and set up messages for CQ's, Exchange, QSL, 
etc.  This worked well except when I used the down-arrow to create the 
Exchange Window.  If I did this then the CQ messages were sent instead of 
the EX messages.  I just tried this on CW and it does the same thing.

According to the Manual (page 149, EX MEMORIES), "These memories are sent 
when pressing the corresponding function key and you are in the exchange or 
S&P mode (whenever the exchange window is up)."  The Exchange Window is up 
and the cursor is in it, but the CQ memories are sent.

This was really annoying.  I'd say the station's call, then "You're number 
123", hit the F2 key and hear "CQ CQ Sweepstakes..." and hurry to hit Esc, 
apologize and give the exchange myself.  This must have happened 30 or 40 

I normally use Enter after typing in a callsign but I was experiencing bad 
RFI on 20 meters that caused random characters to be interpreted by the 
program.  After losing one QSO because apparently two Esc characters cleared 
out the exchange while I was saying a call correction and before I hit Enter 
to log it, I was being very careful to avoid transmitting while the cursor 
was on a line with any important information.  I subconsicously chose the 
down-arrow key to prevent the callsign from being wiped out by my 
transmission, even though using Enter would equally limit the garbage to the 
exchange window.

It took way too long to remember that I'd solved a similar keying RFI 
problem on CW weekend by rotating the logging computer under the operating 
table.  Rotating the computer by 90 degrees mostly eliminated this problem 
as well without reducing power or adding ferrites.

-Mike, N7MH

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