[Trlog] No msg launch during WW code

KL7RA kl7ra at ptialaska.net
Sun Nov 30 20:18:15 EST 2003

Found occasionally when calling CQ and hitting the [enter] key the
rpt didn't get sent. Not enough times to worry about but later when 
I was working Ja's at my standard rate of one every three minutes 
I could spend time to catch the error. The freq would disappear then 
blink back on again. I would see the mode flash to SSB (or not) and 
back to CW. This would explain the message not being sent as the
DVK was not on.

I remembered Mike's,W9RE, post about the Icom response timeout
with mode problems so I moved it from 100 to 500 and that stopped 
the problem.

This was version 6.74. I believe Tree has fixed it in a later version 
with the "Fliter radio message length" so it's probably a non-issue 
but for those of us that stay back a few releases this error might catch 
you as it did me.

Other then the above which required the default to be changed, 6.74 
worked perfect.  
Rich KL7RA

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