[Trlog] Packet question

paule at sfu.ca paule at sfu.ca
Tue Oct 14 19:29:47 EDT 2003

While in the process of getting packet setup on a multi station 
network, I discovered that for some reason, the station connected
to the TNC does not have local echo, while the other stations
do. I cannot find any difference between the configurations that
would account for this. What am I missing. Yes, I know that local
echo can be turned on on the TNC, but this causes duplicate
on the stations that already have it, and because the TNC is being
shared by another computer with a different software program, I would
like to avoid having to turn it on in the TNC.

Thanks in advance.

cheers, Paul - VA7NT ex VE7CQK - email: paule at sfu.ca
"Those who hear not the music. . . think the dancers mad."

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