[Trlog] TRLog WAE wishes

Arturo Gargarella lu6etb at cvtci.com.ar
Wed Sep 17 23:41:25 EDT 2003


I did not operate all the contest, but the few hours I have been operating
everything has worked fine.

When I started the contest, TR showed:
QTCs Pending = 1  Number QTCs sent = 270

It took me some minutes, until I remembered that, (as I have all the
contests in the same directory) I neeed to remove the QTC's files from the
last year WAE contest.

I wonder if you can change the QTC.dat and QTCLIST.dat to be named something
like <contestfile>.qtc and <contestfile>.qtl

It will also help to keep the old QTC's files.

Thanks and Regards.

73 de Arturo, LU6ETB

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