[Trlog] Nortwest Territories / NT

Tree tree at kkn.net
Thu Sep 25 12:57:29 EDT 2003

On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 12:34:00PM -0400, Ted Champagne wrote:
> Michael WG0M wrote:
> > Now that vy1 vy2 and ve8 are now in the NT category and NT in
> > Tr causes a NTX entry, will TR be or has it been modified to
> > take a NT to mean Northern Territory instead of North Texas?
> > Or do we just continue to type nwt?
> I believe that should be ..."vy1, vy0, and ve8...".  Now if I 
> could just work any of 'em in any contest where it counted...

So - in order for the log to be correct as far as the ARRL is concerned,
NT will need to show up for this multiplier.  Another requirement of the
TR program is that the abbreviation for the multiplier must map into the
same multiplier in the .DOM file.  The current .DOM file maps NT into NTX.
That has to change - so that NT is now NT, not NTX.  

This is similar to the situation with SF/SFL, LA/LAX and OR/ORE.  

This will probably trip some people up on phone who are used to getting
away with typing NT for NTX.  

It probably wasn't the best choice for a section name.  It seems like it 
would be better not to create confusing cases like this - but it is now
part of the game.  I will have a release coming out before the SS that 
will have this all fixed.  


PS: I wonder why NTX is called North Texas, and NNJ is called Northern New 

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